Hello there. Sorry I couldn't post anything yesterday. I've been very busy as a constructor and also working on the Manga I want to bring to you this December. I've been sick for almost two days now, so please forgive me for the delay (does anybody even read this blog besides me and the people I force in?).
I found this some time ago and I want to post it here. I have no PSP of my own, but I know where I could borrow one. The game is The 3rd Birthday, the third installment of the Parasite Eve franchise. It's actually a spinoff of the saga since they decided not to call it "Parasite Eve". But we all know it is. And that's Aya Brea on the following picture.

It is said they fixed a lot of the game mechanics and some other things. it's gonna be a different 3rd person shooter and some times you can also trigger to a first person (camera on your shoulder). The game's release date is on TBA for Japan. ...And considering how long it takes to bring a title to the US, I can only hope to play something SquareEnix-based before I kick the bucket!
Although I have Kingdom Hearts 358/2 for DS. Anyway, see you soon. Thanks for reading. ...Whoever is doing it. -_-'
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