Saturday, October 31, 2009
Although CosplaYard page #1 was released yesterday, I decided to make a quick stop and do something about the image size/quality. Maybe posting Manga pages here was not a good idea. I overlooked this, but I'm working on it. I already built another site where to post my images and it's looking fairly good despite of the rush that I'm handling it.
Why did I call it CosplaYard? Because that's how my group was called back in 2006/07 (CosplaYard's lifespan) and now I'm bringing it back in a different approach: Manga.
Don't I have enough Manga titles already to be working on yet another one? Yes, that's true; but that's me. Always been, always be. But this is a fast and spontaneous adventure I don't even know the story of. I'm creating it as I draw. I have the Manga being promoted right now (top banner with red hair guy) and a bigger story following that one. I'm just securing my near-future work.
So, probably tomorrow I'll be able to make a CosplaYard Manga grand opening! (^-^) Hope you find it entertaining! Thanks for your support!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
CosplaYard turns Manga!?
I was playing ramdom stuff with my son and we ended up playing ninja-style. Then it occurred to me we can play as characters from Naruto. We had a good moment there, which catapulted me into making this drawing.

I'll be posting these sooner than anything else. Bye Bye!! ^^
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
GXF! (Gaming Xplosion Fest)

If I'm not mistaken, this is their second activity and Geo Delmaro will be there to cover this event and bring you some pics and vids E3 style! LOL
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Cosplay! コスプレー!
My apologies for not posting anything these past days, but you know I'm working as much as I can on the upcoming Manga. I'm giving all the time in my hands so to try and release it before the year ends! That's just around the corner! Could I manage to get it done in time? (O_O)


The next Convention that I'm really interested to assist is the one called KAISEN. Already in it's 6th event, Kaisen is one activity where Manga/Anime fans and cosplayers alike come together and have a blast. It is scheduled for December 13 in Bayamon, P.R.
I'll be sure to post pics and/or videos here from that activity and, if I decide to cosplay, you'll be seeing it here first! LOL
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Naruto weekend at oneechan's dojo!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Phase 1: Almost done!
Yesterday I spent almost the whole day writing the story for the Manga. It's on the last stage! I developed the characters and their battles. I'm about to finish it and begin the next phase, which consists on drawing the characters and give them the final adjustments.
Today I'm reading everything I wrote to catch on and continue writing the ending. So, that's all I did today. Soon you'll be able to enjoy the fruits of my hard work. (^-^) See you soon! [Although I cannot literally 'see' you].
Friday, October 23, 2009
Too much work makes me sick!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Amane Misa
There are 3 Death Note movies out there and Hollywood is considering an U.S. remake. Let's hope they don't ruin this fantastic story. I enjoyed the Japanese movies, but I have to say that I preffer the anime series a whole lot more. ...Way more. Why? Well, it just encloses more intrique and because it doesn't have a 2 hours limit, the characters develop in such a way that... well... I cried in the end of the series. ...Yup. ...Like a baby. Did I cry in the movies? Not a drop.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Soon... (すぐに... )
I know you couldn't miss the image below the banner and the red-haired dude in it. That's the project I'm working on now; the Manga I've been telling you these past days. I wanted to show this off so that you know I'm actually doing this.
I'll post more upon advances. See you tomorrow! ^-^
やあ!赤い髪の男とバナー私が働いている漫画のプロジェクトです。私はすぐに詳細を与える。^ - ^
Monday, October 19, 2009
I...Miss... G4TV!

X-Play: Morgan Webb

And former host of The Feed: Layla Kaighleigh
A long time ago I changed of satellite service and I don't have G4 no more. So I'm missing ALL of this great material (mind you, by material I'm referring to the game reviews and such) and live feeds from magnus events such as E3 and San Diego ComiCon! Can you believe I missed those events? That's madness!
Thank God for, where I can go and check out every video segment of these shows and everything they cover inside and outside the studio.
Oh, they also have male hosts, like Adam Sessler and Kevin Pereira. They're very cool and funny as ...umm, well, something funny. Where are their pictures you ask? Well ehhh... you know. ...They're guys.
Thanks for stopping by, and I hope this was entertaining to some extent. (^-^)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Early Christmas! (早いクリスマス!)

Now, with no presents to give the children, they took a hard decision.
We live in the tropic.
These guys wearing scarfs makes me sweat just by looking at them! ^^
我々は、熱帯地方に住んでいますこれらの男スカーフを着て私に汗をかくだけで彼らを見てになります! ^ ^
End Note: If they decided to bring winter holidays this early, why can't they also bring us Final Fantasy XIII altogether? >:@
エンド注:もし、この初期の、なぜ彼らは完全にファイナルファンタジーXIII問い合わせをもたらすことができない冬の休暇をもたらすことを決めた? >:@
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hard-working! ^ ^ (勤勉)

That's my Bento Box. I had macaroons with red tea.
Well, time to go and get my job started. See you in a while. (^-^)
移動すると自分の仕事を始めるまあ、時間。中にお会いしましょう。 (^-^)
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Birthday! 私の誕生日!
そうだね!今日、私は31ターン!私も今日用事ではこことそこに行くので、私は私の誕生日を祝うために取得していない忙しかった。たぶん私はそれについて何かこの週末にするつもりだ。そうねえ、私はもう子供じゃない。 <(//_ \ \)>

That's the current 31-years-old me.
Working on plain sun light has darkened my skin!!
Bye-Bye! ^-^*
Thursday, October 15, 2009
New Project in Sight (新しいプロジェクト)
...Still with me so far?

(Picture taken with a cel phone. Sorry for the bad quality image.)
I'm working on it as of now, but I'll post the pages right here in this Blog or paste a link. I'll think of something. That's all for today. Time to sleep. Good night! =^_^=
これは睡眠時間です。おやすみなさい! <(*_*)> 眠い〜
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
CosplaYard! (コスプレヤード)

Me as Cloud (sorry, had no time to complete the wig) and Hes as Tifa.
This is a mini-movie I made based on Fullmetal Alchemist. I called it "The Foolmetal", since it was a parody. Here's the long version trailer (^-^).
You can see my son as Link in the MOMENTUM picture section to the right.
Oh, and today I celebrate my first blog-week!! :p
Thanks for visiting!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
としてたいへん私は家にいて、私のプロジェクトで作業したいのですが、1つの時から外に出ての楽しい内容をスタックしています。ねえ、私も食べている! (-_-)'
Monday, October 12, 2009

Drawing like this is my goal, but I want everything
to be perfect and I'm still honing my skills.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Chum-Chum's Birthday Party <(-^_^-)>
A part of my family attending the celebration.
My son playing around. :p
My wife taking pictures! =^_^=
Geo Delmaro!! Ha ha ha...

Ready to blow the candle!
Happy Birthday!!
Thanks for visiting! Bye-Bye!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pre-Birthday Party
明日は私の息子の5歳の誕生日であり、我々を祝うために予定している!(^_^) 私たちは、この一週間の贈り物や招待状を探して買い物に行った。

Come back tomorrow for the pictures of the family celebration! ^^
Friday, October 9, 2009
Update-Thursday @ PlayStation Home

Ja ne!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
No place like 'Home'
I like videogames but among the multiple systems available out there, I only own a Nintendo DS and a PS3 (talk about mismatch! ...Neeehh...-_-').

This is my Avatar, Delmaro. My friends call me 'Del'.
This is her apartment, the Harbour Studio.
I decorated with a ton of Chriss Angel's coffins. Wicked!
So, if you also happen to have a PS3 and like to join PlayStation Home, you can look out for me! (^-^) My account name is DELMARO_101.
NOTE: If you send me an 'add request' message, please include that you read about me from BLOGGER.
Well, that's about it for today. Thanks for reading and have a nice one!!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Hello and welcome! ^_^
I'm Geo Delmaro. ...Well, not really. That's a nickname; but who cares about my real name? What matters is the reason I'm here, on this blog. I'm an artist. A famous writer, penciler, moviemaker and the best man you could ever be with. ...Or not. -_-'
I'm actually a normal person, just like you. And those are my goals. And just like you I'll work as hard as I possibly can to achieve them. Here, I plan to find out who I am and what I'm capable of while taking a view at my regular life. :p
This is my son. I call him "Chum-Chum". He'll turn 5 soon.

This is my wife, Hes.
I'm very happy with my family and I try my best to give them what they deserve.
Thanks for stopping by! (*^-^*)
私は自分の家族と一緒に幸せだと私は何に値するがそれらを与えるために最善をしてください。で停止するためのありがとう! (*^-^*)